Alexandra Bartles

Altar Studios UK

Miss Alexandra Bartles (BSc), from Altar Studios UK is a relatively new member of the AES, joining only two years ago but her drive and passion has been responsible for introducing Electronic Dance Music to the AES conventions at both Dublin and New York. Acting as co-chair of the Electronic Dance Music track, she organised both the 146th and 147th EDM tracks, alongside the EDM track for NAMM 2020 and is currently working on the 149th EDM track for next New York convention.

Starting her career as a lead assessor with a qualification in business and finance, she worked a consultant training companies on how to implement quality control and management systems. Later a qualified, practicing audiologist with 15+ years experience, she has worked with professional artists and musicians, specialising in Tinnitus retraining therapy for music industry professionals. After taking an interest in the music production side of the industry her career became more and more specialised towards the engineering and technology side, and specifically electronic music production.

Alex Bartles studied Electronic Music production under Rick Snoman, award winning remixer and author of the Dance Music Manual, and over several years trained as a mix engineer, producer and trainer. During 2019, she contributed articles and a chapter to the latest edition of Ricks book, alongside holding a number of talks at universities and colleges across the UK, training younger EDM producers.

Now co-owner of Altar Recording Studios, the world's first studio dedicated to both training and production of EDM, she is specifically responsible for artist management, mixing and running the studio alongside designing workshops and seminars.

A board member of EMTAS, a scheme that focuses on external validation and accreditation of the quality and integrity of online electronic music training, she also presented at AES Dublin in 2019, discussing the importance of standardisation of e-learning platforms.
